
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

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    Megjelent a Privatefirewall új verziója (

    - Added Process Termination feature (integrated into tray alerts (via right-mouse function on Options in tray alerts)
    - Added Auto allow for certain services (setting the Process Monitor "slider" to medium will allow services running under system account. The High setting will allow only LOCAL/NETWORK services automatically.
    - Resolved code defects related to isolated BSOD incidents.
    - Fixed driver access check to \etc\hosts file.
    - Fixed defect related to determining correct process parent, parent of parent when one of those processes was terminated.
    - Fixed bug where incorrect parent process chain (due to windows reuse of obsolete PID) was identified (and generated unnecessary alerts) .
    - Implemented modification to bypass application alteration check when/if gui/service has no access to it (WoW).
    - Added support for Windows 7 Mobile Broadband connections.
    - Discontinued support for Windows 2000 OS.
    - Modified various port and application related default settings/rules.
    - Fixed process termination bug when passed handle does not have adequate rights.
    - Resolved Windows Hook interception bug.
    - Added inter-process keyboard message monitoring capability to Process Monitor.
    - Updated driver certification in accordance with Microsoft Winqual Review - Qualifications Achieved: Logo - Microsoft Windows Vista family, x86 Basic, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

    Már most is nagyon jó kis tűzfal ez, és még mindig javítgatnak rajta .......yeeeeeeaaaaaah :C

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák