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    As for the media reports regarding a move away for Young in either the current or summer transfer window, Ole responded:

    “Ashley’s one of our players, he's our captain. There's loads of speculation and we've just got to handle that. We're getting used to that in this club and Ashley's been very professional and focused, so I don't think that's going to change.

    ”It's a discussion that me and Ash will have if something comes up. For us, we haven't got too many players fit and ready, so we need the ones we have.

    “Ash has been very, very good for this club and he's been a very good captain this season, so let's see where we are in June. And we can see where we are in February as well.”

    Remélem csak feljebb akarja srófolni az árát az ilyen nagyon jó csapatkapitány volt ebben a szezonban benyögésekkel, különben nagyon nehéz lesz komolyan venni most már tényleg... :U

    Szerk: mennyivel korrektebb lenne már, ha az ordas nagy mellédumálás helyett annyit mondana, hogy nincs hozzáfűznivalóm. Egyrészt nem akarná lehányni az ember a monitort, másrészt meg ha mégis elmegy, akkor nem csinált segget a szájából.

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    "How a government taxes its citizens is a direct declaration of a country's values."

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